
Documentation v1.1.6

Rider HTML Pro's Gulp build tools provide easy package management and production deployment for any type of web application that also comes with powerful asset bundle tools to organize assets structure with custom bundling for production.

Gulp Quick Start

  1. Download the latest theme source from the Marketplace.
  2. Download and install Node.js from Nodejs. The suggested version to install is 16.x LTS.
  3. Start a command prompt window or terminal and change directory to [unpacked path]/theme/tools/:
    cd tools/
  4. Install the latest NPM:
    npm install --global npm@latest
  5. Install Yarn via the NPM:
    npm install --global yarn
    Don't forget to run yarn upgrade after every Rider HTML Pro update is released in order to receive newly added or updated 3rd-party plugins.
    Use npm cache clean --force command, if the installation had failed at any step. Retry again from beginning once it's done.
  6. Gulp is a toolkit that helps you automate your time-consuming tasks in development workflow. To install gulp globally:
    npm install --global gulp-cli
    If you have previously installed a version of gulp globally, remove it to make sure old version doesn't collide with new gulp-cli:
    npm rm --global gulp
    Verify that gulp in successfully installed, and version of installed gulp will appear (CLI version: 2.3.0 Local version: 4.0.2):
    gulp --version
    if you encounter a ReferenceError: primordials is not defined error when running gulp in the terminal, you may have an incompatibility between the node version and gulp. Use below command to force install gulp version.
    npm install gulp@^4.0.2
  7. Install the Rider HTML Pro dependencies in [unpacked path]/theme/tools/ folder.
    We recommend using Yarn instead NPM for the Rider HTML Pro dependencies setup. Yarn supports nested dependencies resolutions in package.json where specific version of sub dependacies are required such as resolutions: { "gulp-dart-sass/sass": "1.32.13" }.
  8. The below command will compile all the assets(sass, js, media) to assets/ folder:
    If you had any error at this step during compilation. Try to update gulp to the latest version. npm install --global gulp-cli
  9. Start the localhost server:
    gulp localhost
    Keep the console open. Open this link to run http://localhost:8080/. It will take a few seconds for the build to finish. To stop a localhost environment, press Ctrl+C.

Build Options

The build config file is located at tools/gulp.config.json and you can fully customize the build settings to meet your project requirements.
const gulpConfig = {
    name: "{theme}",
    desc: "Gulp build config file",
    version: "{version}",
    config: {
        debug: false,
        compile: {
            rtl: {
                enabled: false,
                skip: [
            jsMinify: false,
            cssMinify: false,
            jsSourcemaps: false,
            cssSourcemaps: false,
        path: {
            src: "../../../themes/{theme}/html/src",
            common_src: "../src",
            node_modules: "node_modules",
        dist: ["../../../themes/{theme}/html/assets"],
    build: {
        base: {
            src: {
                styles: ["{$config.path.src}/sass/style.scss"],
                scripts: [
            dist: {
                styles: "{$config.dist}/css/style.bundle.css",
                scripts: "{$config.dist}/js/scripts.bundle.js",
        plugins: {
            global: {
                src: {
                    mandatory: {
                        jquery: {
                            scripts: ["{$config.path.node_modules}/jquery/dist/jquery.js"],
                        popperjs: {
                            scripts: [
                        bootstrap: {
                            scripts: [
                        moment: {
                            scripts: [
                        wnumb: {
                            scripts: ["{$config.path.node_modules}/wnumb/wNumb.js"],
                    optional: {
                        axios: {
                            scripts: [
                        lozad: {
                            scripts: [
                        select2: {
                            styles: [
                            scripts: [
                        flatpickr: {
                            styles: [
                            scripts: [
                        formvalidation: {
                            styles: [
                            scripts: [
                        bootstrapmaxlength: {
                            "scripts": [
                        daterangepicker: {
                            styles: [
                            scripts: [
                        inputmask: {
                            scripts: [
                        tinyslider: {
                            styles: [
                            scripts: [
                        nouislider: {
                            styles: [
                            scripts: [
                        autosize: {
                            scripts: [
                        clipboard: {
                            scripts: [
                        bootstrapmultiselectsplitter: {
                            scripts: [
                        smoothscroll: {
                            scripts: [
                        dropzone: {
                            styles: [
                            scripts: [
                        quil: {
                            styles: ["{$config.path.node_modules}/quill/dist/quill.snow.css"],
                            scripts: ["{$config.path.node_modules}/quill/dist/quill.js"],
                        tagify: {
                            styles: [
                            scripts: [
                        toastr: {
                            styles: ["{$config.path.common_src}/plugins/toastr/build/toastr.css"],
                            scripts: ["{$config.path.common_src}/plugins/toastr/build/toastr.min.js"],
                        apexcharts: {
                            styles: [
                            scripts: [
                        chartjs: {
                            scripts: ["{$config.path.node_modules}/chart.js/dist/chart.js"],
                        countupjs: {
                            scripts: [
                        sweetalert2: {
                            styles: [
                            scripts: [
                        lineawesome: {
                            styles: [
                            fonts: [
                        bootstrapicons: {
                            styles: [
                            fonts: [
                        fortawesome: {
                            styles: [
                            fonts: [
                        fonticon: {
                            styles: [
                            fonts: [
                    override: {
                        styles: ["{$config.path.src}/sass/plugins.scss"],
                dist: {
                    styles: "{$config.dist}/plugins/global/plugins.bundle.css",
                    scripts: "{$config.dist}/plugins/global/plugins.bundle.js",
                    images: "{$config.dist}/plugins/global/images",
                    fonts: "{$config.dist}/plugins/global/fonts",
            custom: {
                draggable: {
                    src: {
                        scripts: [
                    dist: {
                        scripts: "{$config.dist}/plugins/custom/draggable/draggable.bundle.js",
                prismjs: {
                    src: {
                        styles: [
                        scripts: [
                    dist: {
                        styles: "{$config.dist}/plugins/custom/prismjs/prismjs.bundle.css",
                        scripts: "{$config.dist}/plugins/custom/prismjs/prismjs.bundle.js",
                datatables: {
                    src: {
                        styles: [
                        scripts: [
                    dist: {
                        styles: "{$config.dist}/plugins/custom/datatables/datatables.bundle.css",
                        scripts: "{$config.dist}/plugins/custom/datatables/datatables.bundle.js",
                leaflet: {
                    src: {
                        styles: [
                        scripts: [
                    dist: {
                        styles: "{$config.dist}/plugins/custom/leaflet/leaflet.bundle.css",
                        scripts: "{$config.dist}/plugins/custom/leaflet/leaflet.bundle.js",
                fslightbox: {
                    src: {
                        scripts: [
                    dist: {
                        scripts: "{$config.dist}/plugins/custom/fslightbox/fslightbox.bundle.js",
                typedjs: {
                    src: {
                        scripts: ["{$config.path.node_modules}/typed.js/lib/typed.js"],
                    dist: {
                        scripts: "{$config.dist}/plugins/custom/typedjs/typedjs.bundle.js",
                fullcalendar: {
                    src: {
                        styles: ["{$config.path.node_modules}/fullcalendar/main.min.css"],
                        scripts: [
                    dist: {
                        styles: "{$config.dist}/plugins/custom/fullcalendar/fullcalendar.bundle.css",
                        scripts: "{$config.dist}/plugins/custom/fullcalendar/fullcalendar.bundle.js",
                tinymcejs: {
                    src: {
                        scripts: [
                    dist: {
                        scripts: "{$config.dist}/plugins/custom/tinymce/tinymce.bundle.js",
                ckeditorclassic: {
                    src: {
                        scripts: [
                    dist: {
                        scripts: "{$config.dist}/plugins/custom/ckeditor/ckeditor-classic.bundle.js"
                ckeditorinline: {
                    src: {
                        scripts: [
                    dist: {
                        scripts: "{$config.dist}/plugins/custom/ckeditor/ckeditor-inline.bundle.js"
                ckeditorballoon: {
                    src: {
                        scripts: [
                    dist: {
                        scripts: "{$config.dist}/plugins/custom/ckeditor/ckeditor-balloon.bundle.js"
                ckeditorballoonblock: {
                    src: {
                        scripts: [
                    dist: {
                        scripts: "{$config.dist}/plugins/custom/ckeditor/ckeditor-balloon-block.bundle.js"
                ckeditordecoupleddocument: {
                    src: {
                        scripts: [
                    dist: {
                        scripts: "{$config.dist}/plugins/custom/ckeditor/ckeditor-document.bundle.js"
                cropperjs: {
                    src: {
                        styles: [
                        scripts: [
                    dist: {
                        styles: "{$config.dist}/plugins/custom/cropper/cropper.bundle.css",
                        scripts: "{$config.dist}/plugins/custom/cropper/cropper.bundle.js"
                jkanban: {
                    src: {
                        styles: [
                        scripts: [
                    dist: {
                        styles: "{$config.dist}/plugins/custom/jkanban/jkanban.bundle.css",
                        scripts: "{$config.dist}/plugins/custom/jkanban/jkanban.bundle.js"
                flot: {
                    src: {
                        scripts: [
                    dist: {
                        scripts: "{$config.dist}/plugins/custom/flotcharts/flotcharts.bundle.js"
                vistimeline: {
                    src: {
                        styles: [
                        scripts: [
                    dist: {
                        styles: "{$config.dist}/plugins/custom/vis-timeline/vis-timeline.bundle.css",
                        scripts: "{$config.dist}/plugins/custom/vis-timeline/vis-timeline.bundle.js"
                jstree: {
                    src: {
                        styles: [
                        scripts: [
                        images: [
                    dist: {
                        styles: "{$config.dist}/plugins/custom/jstree/jstree.bundle.css",
                        scripts: "{$config.dist}/plugins/custom/jstree/jstree.bundle.js",
                        images: "{$config.dist}/plugins/custom/jstree/images/jstree"
                formrepeater: {
                    src: {
                        scripts: [
                    dist: {
                        scripts: "{$config.dist}/plugins/custom/formrepeater/formrepeater.bundle.js",
                cookiealert: {
                    src: {
                        styles: [
                        scripts: [
                    dist: {
                        styles: "{$config.dist}/plugins/custom/cookiealert/cookiealert.bundle.css",
                        scripts: "{$config.dist}/plugins/custom/cookiealert/cookiealert.bundle.js",
        widgets: {
            src: {
                scripts: [
            dist: {
                scripts: "{$config.dist}/js/widgets.bundle.js",
        custom: {
            src: {
                styles: [
                scripts: [
            dist: {
                styles: "{$config.dist}/css/custom/",
                scripts: "{$config.dist}/js/custom/",
        media: {
            src: {
                media: [
            dist: {
                media: "{$config.dist}/media/",
        misc: {
            src: {
                styles: [
                media: [
            dist: {
                styles: "{$config.dist}/plugins/custom/tinymce/skins/",
                media: "{$config.dist}/plugins/global/sourcemaps/",

export {

Required Core CSS and JS files

The core CSS and JS files defined under build.plugins.base.src.mandatory and build.theme.base are required in order to have the theme's basic functionality up. However the assets defined build.plugins.base.src.optional are optional.
Gulp Build Options
Field Type Description
config.debug boolean Enable/disable debug console log.
config.compile.rtl.enabled boolean Enable/disable compilation with RTL version of CSS along with default LTR CSS.
config.compile.rtl.skip array An array of plugin to be skipped from being compile as RTL.
config.compile.jsMinify boolean Enable/disable output Javascript minify.
config.compile.cssMinify boolean Enable/disable output CSS minify.
config.compile.jsSourcemaps boolean Enable/disable output Javascript with sourcemaps.
config.compile.cssSourcemaps boolean Enable/disable output CSS with sourcemaps.
config.dist object dist   stands for distributable   and refers to the directories where the minified and bundled assets will be stored for production uses.
Build Items
build.base object This object specifies the global assets of the demo to be added into the global css and js demo bundles. object This object specifies required 3rd party resources to be added into the global css and js plugins bundles.
build.plugins.custom object This object specifies global 3rd party resources to be added into the custom css and js plugins bundles.
build.custom object This object specifies custom assets that are included on demand. object Media folder.
build.api object Server side scripts used for examples with remote data source(e.g: ajax datatables, dropdown list, quick search results, etc).

Build Task

Update the Node.js, global npm and yarn to the latest versions for any errors related to node-sass.
If the gulp command is not working, try to remove tools/node_modules folder, and reinstall dependencies using yarn.

Launch your terminal and change its current directory to the project's tools folder where the build files are located. All commands below must be run in this tools folder.

cd tools/

For the first time, run the command below to install the npm dependencies defined in /tools/package.json (if you haven't done it) :


After every modification in [demo]/src/, run the below task to compile the assets as defined in /tools/gulp.config.json:


Provide parameter --rtl to the gulp task. This command will disable RTL CSS from generating. If this param does not exist, by default, RTL CSS will be generated.

gulp --rtl

Provide parameter --js to the gulp task. This command will generate javascript assets only.

gulp --js

Provide parameter --sass to the gulp task. This command will generate SCSS, SASS and CSS assets only.

gulp --sass

Provide parameter --media to the gulp task. This command will generate all media, fonts, images, etc. assets only.

gulp --media

Provide parameter --prod to the gulp task. This command will minify all the JS and CSS.

gulp --prod

The customization should be done in theme/src/ folder. After compilation refer to the destination folder theme/. The bellow command is to start a real-time watcher. This task watches the SCSS and Javascript files and automatically recompile whenever the source files are changed. You also can run watcher separately for JS and SCSS.

gulp watch


Rider HTML Pro uses Gulp-connect plugin use to run a simple webserver for quick browsing the HTML templatest:

gulp localhost

Keep the console open. Open this link to run http://localhost:8080/. The default running port is 8080 and in case, this port being used by other application, it can be changed in tools/gulp/watch.js

  root: '../',
  livereload: true,
  port: 8081,
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